Sunday, July 26, 2009

Tour Diary! Santa Rosa - Last Record Store

So much fun at the Last Record Store on Saturday in my home town, Santa Rosa. Great turn out, awesome store where you can find any CD, record of your taste, and Amber Lee played some awesome acordian and sang beautifully.

My favorite part were the dancing kids up front. I'd open my eyes and see these little guys with their arms up and swirling all around, or tapping their knees and letting it all out. Just feeling it! Thanks to all you little ones who danced and showed us all your freedom and inspiration! Gave a very festive feel.

I'm having so much fun playing with Max. It's been almost 3 years now that we've played together and it's feeling so full and easy, the drums make so much energy. I love it!

We leave Tuesday for Salem, and today I'm getting ready for the long 9 hour drive - Trader Joes snacks, books on CD, music, what else?

And I'm promoting promoting promoting. If you have friends in these towns, send them along!


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