Monday, May 14, 2012


I'm seven months pregnant.

Mother's day was yesterday, a mix of beautiful roses from our yard, a sweet card from my two year old girl, pink crayon. She comes to my bed, drawing on it and says "I making a present for you." The dearest. 

Swirls of hormones, tired, a baby really growing in my body, a visit to the memorial park to see my son's stone, so many tears, so much love and so much sadness. I could have sat there all day, looking at his name, the bright roses my mom brought from her yard, the yearning of my heart to hold him.

And home-made ice cream from Screamin Mimi's, because it's one of the best things ever invented and we must live and enjoy good things.  Plus they gave out free sundaes to mamas.

And home now, the quiet of naptime, listening to mixes John is sending from the songs we just recorded. Listening with my husband for the balances, how it comes across, and tears streaming because these songs are naming our love and heartache.  We listen and cry.

Today on NPR a man was on who records sounds of nature, birds and ants and sea anenomes and beavers.  He said something like, you know they say a picture is worth a thousand words?  Well a sound is worth a thousand pictures. 

Sounds bring me to places.  In my heart, into the universe.